Christmas for us is always go go go. Poor Cash gave us dirty looks every time we put him back into his car seat to go the next stop, but he is such a people watcher that he was so excited to get to wherever it was we were headed next.
I do really love this time of year, no really I do. We get to see so many family and friends that it makes the hustle all worth while. We started off Thursday with some dear friends who were back in town for the Holidays. We miss Krista & Joe so much through out the year and we're so excited for BOTH of them to be moving home soon.
Here's Cash with his buddies Aiden and Gracy. Cash and Aiden are just 10 days apart. This will be fun watching them to cause trouble together, I think!!
Friday was our busiest day to date. We had 3 stops to make and Cash was such a trooper. We started the morning with Grandma Julie, headed off to see Grandpa and Shari Mom Hawkins, then to see the crazies at the Hawkins side. I think we got a total of 45 minutes of sleep out of little man the whole day, but he had a blast dancing up a storm while the kiddos (and uncle Bob) played the new Michael Jackson game on the Wii.
This year on the Hawkins side we played a few Minute to Win It games. Here's dad doing the "Booty Pop". He won two of the four games all by himself
Saturday was a day with the Cole's. We headed to Grandpa Rodney's then off to Lone Tree to visit the rest of the family. Then capped it off yesterday with the Kleopfer's. Oh and I can't forget Christmas last week with Grandma Karen and Gpa Steve where dad got a new gun!
Santa even came to visit me at Grandma Karen's house.
Yeah we know, it's crazy and our house officially looks like a toy store. Thank goodness most of the new toys have off switches :) Plus it was so fun to watch little man's eyes light up when he (mom and dad) was opening his gifts. He really did show some interest in it and it was so sweet. Guess this just means we'll be working that much harder to get the basement done ASAP!!
Oh and how could I have forgotten...we have a CRAWLER on our hands. Not sure if it's technically "crawling" but more or less "dragging" himself around. Whatever it is, he's getting pretty good at it. Time to but up the baby gate for sure!!