Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Friday Fun Night

Friday night we went for an adventure! Mom picked me up and we met some of the fam at this neat little place in Iowa City. Mom really doesn't want me to tell you where it is though...she wants to keep it a secret! But if you can guess where it is - get your butt there. It's so great!

We did a little...

Check out my sweet Barbie pole! Borrowed it from my cousin Ashley :)

Mom said she's sending this in to 'John's Big 'Ol Fish'

and a little...

and a little...

The sign said once we got to this sculpture, we were to meditate. How'd that work out for you Bob?

and even

Sunday, June 3, 2012

I Wanna Go Outside

It's pretty safe to say that we're going to be spending our Summer outside! If mom gets home before the boys she can hear Cash kicking and screaming the whole way saying 'I wanna stay/go outside'. We'd actually rather have it that way, at least he's not plopped in front of the tv (and neither are we).

Someone got a fishing pole for his birthday and is becoming quite the fisherman. It's the first of June and he's already made three trips! The last few over the Holiday Weekend were pretty eventful. Bass fishing with Jared & Jacky and a little trip to the Cedar for a trip on dad's new fishing boat and a little Catfish Fry.

We're loving every second of the start of the summer and have some good things planned for the rest of it. Including a WHOLE WEEK at the Lake over the Fourth (mom's the most excited for that one).

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Better Late Than Never...

Yikes, I guess I totally lied on the last post! Cash had his birthday a month in a half ago and I'm just getting to his two year stats.

Any way, they went a little something like this - 37 inches, 28 pounds and has a head that's in the 85th percentile (yikes).

Someone loves putting change in his piggy bank. This was his 'hundred dollards' from 'Crappa Jerry'

Oh and we got his two year pics taken a few weeks back. Mindy at Dreamday Photography was the BEST and we are so in love with his new pics!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

He's 2

We celebrated Cash's birthday on Sunday!

He woke up pukey, it was a little windy but turned out to be a great day. Cashman has so many people that just love him to death and we had a great time!  Thanks to everyone who helped him celebrate.

We still can't believe he's going to be 2 tomorrow! Happy Birthday Cashman - Daddy and Mama love you so much!!

Daddy got a new fishing boat, which Cash seems to think it's his! Looks like we'll be 'river rats' this summer.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Happy Easter

Wow...I just realized it's been 2+ months since I've blogged! There's been a TON happening at our house too :)

In March we visited the Lake over St. Patty's Day, Dad & Mom BOTH turned 30 (and surprised each other with parties), I've become quite the chatter box, love the farm (it's my birthday theme) and of course watching Jordan wrestle.

In church today Father Goetz told us in his sermon that 'it's never to late to start over'. So it's my Easter resolution, I can do that right? BLOG MORE! Hope you enjoy it.

 I won this adorable Easter Basket on Little Choux and The Little Style File. I added a few things I had already gotten, but it was perfect and Cash LOVED it!!

Oh and someone turns 2 soon! Happy Easter All!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

'Poo Potty'

Well we're testing out the whole potty thing. So far, not to bad! Can I even fathom the thought of no more diapers?? Cash-Man is making baby steps and is so excited when he 'poo's' in the potty (it's always 'poo' even though he hasn't pooed quite yet)!

He's a mulit-tasker!

Cash and I went with Mi-Ma and Gpa Steve to the Lake last weekend. It was a nice trip and we had great weather. He was a trooper the whole car ride so he got a WHOLE bag of 'MM's' on the way home!

We finally got some snow and Cash loved bundling up to go play!

Just chillin' watching my tractor video.