Wednesday, April 18, 2012

He's 2

We celebrated Cash's birthday on Sunday!

He woke up pukey, it was a little windy but turned out to be a great day. Cashman has so many people that just love him to death and we had a great time!  Thanks to everyone who helped him celebrate.

We still can't believe he's going to be 2 tomorrow! Happy Birthday Cashman - Daddy and Mama love you so much!!

Daddy got a new fishing boat, which Cash seems to think it's his! Looks like we'll be 'river rats' this summer.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Happy Easter

Wow...I just realized it's been 2+ months since I've blogged! There's been a TON happening at our house too :)

In March we visited the Lake over St. Patty's Day, Dad & Mom BOTH turned 30 (and surprised each other with parties), I've become quite the chatter box, love the farm (it's my birthday theme) and of course watching Jordan wrestle.

In church today Father Goetz told us in his sermon that 'it's never to late to start over'. So it's my Easter resolution, I can do that right? BLOG MORE! Hope you enjoy it.

 I won this adorable Easter Basket on Little Choux and The Little Style File. I added a few things I had already gotten, but it was perfect and Cash LOVED it!!

Oh and someone turns 2 soon! Happy Easter All!